Finally, the Apple Cube is Unveiled

After months of being shrouded, the entrance to the Apple store at the foot of the GM building is uncovered at 3:30 am this morning. The seemingly floating logo is suspended over the entrance staircase leading down to the 20,000-square-foot lower level store, which can be browsed from street level through the cube.

Looks like Steve Jobs has consumers under his spell: Lure them towards the light like deer in headlights, have them with their noses pressed to the window, lure them in with the candy-like products below, oh so close to being theirs. ("My Precious...")

The doors open at 6 pm Friday night, I'll meet you there...
Oh, and bring a credit card.

Workers at the site, on the corner 59th St and 5th Ave, started peeling the layers off yesterday afternoon.

Through the black plastic covering, the glowing Apple logo "chandelier" is revealed.