Call Me "Skeptical"

Well, today my employer informed me that they only cover two days a year for jury duty, so the judge released me from service. This is good for me, I guess, but how does this play out in the larger scheme of things?

If professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, and other professions that derive direct income for their time and are not compensated by their employers for jury duty: How is one assured that their jury is truly a jury composed of their peers, especially if their profession is one of the above?
More troubling, though, is how can we be encouraged [as a possible defendant] with the knowledge of that leftover, happenstance citizens may composed our jury ? Not reassuring at all. The reasons why our nation has such an incredible amount of incarcerations is much more clearer to me now.

Mathematically speaking, I am skeptical that the calculus would result favorably for the defendant when faced with fighting an uphill battle against the basic human nature of those jurors actually chosen. However, I can see how this could be as good a system as any that a society of fallable humans could compose.